Exploring Nursing Education Opportunities in Finland: A Global Perspective


Understanding Finland’s Nursing Shortage

Finland’s healthcare system, renowned for its high standards and quality, is facing a significant nursing shortage. A study by Keva, a public sector pension provider in Finland, has highlighted an urgent need for over 16,600 nurses, a demand that has doubled in just two years. Moreover, the situation for nursing assistants is even more critical, requiring an additional 8,800 positions. This shortage is largely due to factors such as an aging population and healthcare workforce, coupled with the demanding nature of the nursing profession, particularly intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Global Call to Action

This shortage in Finland presents a unique opportunity for students worldwide who are considering a career in nursing. Finland’s healthcare system, in need of skilled nurses, offers a fertile environment for international students to pursue nursing education and contribute significantly to Finland’s healthcare workforce.

Finland’s Educational Excellence in Nursing

In response to the nursing shortage, Finland has launched innovative educational programs, notably a new degree program designed specifically for international students. This program provides instruction in English, gradually integrating Finnish language studies to ensure a smooth transition into the Finnish healthcare environment. This initiative reflects Finland’s commitment to integrating global talent into its healthcare system.

Long-term Career Prospects in Finland

The demand for nursing professionals in Finland is expected to rise, with projections indicating a need for 30,000 more nurses by 2030. This burgeoning demand signifies long-term job security and career growth potential for international nursing graduates in Finland.

The Finnish Advantage

Opting to study nursing in Finland means engaging with a healthcare system that values professionalism and innovation. The Finnish culture, known for its respect and emphasis on equality, provides a nurturing environment for personal and professional growth.

A Comprehensive Learning and Working Experience

Choosing to study nursing in Finland offers international students:


      • High-Quality Education: Finnish nursing programs combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

      • Cultural Enrichment: Finland’s rich cultural heritage and balanced work-life approach provide a conducive environment for personal and professional growth.

      • Global Networking: Opportunities to build a global professional network.

      • Career Opportunities: A high likelihood of employment in Finland post-graduation.

      • Contribution to Global Healthcare: Graduates become part of a workforce contributing to global healthcare solutions.


    The nursing shortage in Finland mirrors a global healthcare challenge. International students who choose to study nursing in Finland are not only receiving top-notch education but also entering a job market eager for their expertise. This symbiotic relationship benefits both students and Finland, highlighting the importance of global educational exchange in addressing worldwide healthcare needs.

    Pursuing nursing education in Finland is an opportunity for international students to be at the forefront of global healthcare, contributing significantly to a sector that impacts lives worldwide.



        1. Keva (Finnish public sector pension provider) study on nursing shortage: Indicates a need for over 16,600 nurses in Finland.

        1. Helsinki Times report on Finland’s nursing shortage and international nurse recruitment challenges.

        1. Yle News article on the need for foreign health and social care workers in Finland.

        1. Helsinki Times report on a new degree program for immigrants to address Finland’s acute nursing shortage.

        1. Yle News report on the government’s commitment to increase the nursing quota in elderly care facilities in Finland.

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